philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Why 46% of employers are hiring for metaverse-specific roles

... According to a recent survey by PwC, 38% of companies are anticipating having the metaversebe part of their everyday business model within the next year, and 44% think the transition will happen within the next two to three years. Regardless of how far employers plan to settle into the metaverse, one thing is for sure: they have to be prepared. ...

"The metaverse already existed — anyone with children or who experienced it through gaming understood what it was immediately," says Angela Lester, design and innovation leader at PwC. "But we didn't really understand the power of it on the business side until recently. It could be anything from onboarding and training or collaborating and interacting with our colleagues. It's also things like creating virtual content and creating new ways to interact with our customers." ...

Fifty-one percent of companies already have designated roles that focus exclusively on the metaverse, and 46% are hiring people with metaverse-related skills — everything from cryptocurrency and NFT-focused jobs to creative positions focused on 3D design. Those kinds of skills may still be foreign to most business leaders, which is why 32% of employers plan to hire or appoint a "metaverse leader" that can help manage those teams and relay progress to the C-suite.  ...

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