philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Carmakers Have Another Screen in Their Sights: Your Windshield

... The National Highway for Traffic Safety Administration’s distracted driving guidelines do not govern augmented reality technology, which was still considered novel when it was published in 2013. However, car makers also have to comply with state motor vehicle laws or contend with potentially violating other established regulations that might be affected by new technology, such as lighting standards. 

“You can put a new technology in a vehicle not because of a law that says you can, but because there's no law that says you can’t. There's also always uncertainty about how existing law awkwardly applies to these new things that that law did not contemplate,” says Walker Smith.

That’s a strategy that some automotive newcomers may attempt more frequently than conservative legacy carmakers. Tesla was the first car company to release video gaming integration using its embedded display late in 2021. Although the feature was initially marketed as a way to entertain vehicle occupants while parked at charging stations, there was nothing that stopped someone from using it while driving. It only took a couple of weeks before NHTSA began its investigatory process into the feature. Shortly after, Tesla released an over-the-air update that restricted the ability to play video games while the vehicle was in motion. ...

Reclaiming the third space

... “The Sony Bravia Core, which is in the Afeela, is a streaming platform that allows us to bring Sony Pictures, both TV and movies, directly to our Sony customers using the Bravia core app,” says Larry Harrison, product marketing manager for Sony-Honda Mobility. That means that not long after a blockbuster movie, such as Spiderman or the upcoming Gran Turismo is released in theaters, you’ll be able to stream it in the cabin in just a few clicks, he explains. Again, the Afeela program made no mention specifically of windshield projection, but it does represent a major step forward for immersive in-car entertainment. ...

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