philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Filmustage leverages AI to break down film scripts, create shooting schedules and more

An AI platform for the film industry, Filmustage, is today announcing new funding. First launched in 2020, the platform is designed to streamline pre-production in the film industry using a variety of features, such as the ability to break down scripts in a few minutes and categorize them into scenes and elements like props, costumes and characters.

The latest funding, which totals $550,000, includes backing by Flyer One Ventures, Geek Ventures, Vesna Capital and Imaguru and will go toward an international expansion that will make the product available in multiple foreign languages. For instance, this summer, Filmustage will become available in Spanish, French and German. In 2024, it will roll out in Hindi and Chinese. ...

The product is mainly known for its script breakdown feature, which highlights characters and other elements like locations, props, extras, costumes and more. Users can also search for, change or remove any breakdown element and add new categories. It can then be uploaded as a PDF file or into Final Draft.

Other features include a script summary tool, which gathers all the elements for one scene on a page to determine the number of cast members, props, costumes, locations, vehicles and extras a particular film will need, as well as the reports and references feature, which allow users to add a visual reference to categories with stock images or their own uploads. The visual reference tool is probably handy for set directors that want to visualize props for certain scenes.  ...

One notable user is Roger Christian, Oscar-winning set decorator and director known for his work on “Star Wars.”

Christian spoke about Filmustage during the 2022 European Film Marketevent. “You have to be experienced to break the rules. It’s like architecture; if you’ve got a grounding in the basis, then you can break the rules. So, what [Filmustage] has done there is broke some rules now because it was actually needed in the marketplace. And I will encourage filmmakers to do this because you need this knowledge,” he said. ...

As of February 2023, Filmustage has more than 4,400 registered users, and over 350 paid users, the company claims.

Users can either sign up for the basic plan, which is $49/month and lets you upload three projects per month, or the studio plan, which is $149/month and lets you upload 10 projects per month. The platform also offers a seven-day free trial.

See the full story here:

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