Now, a new study shows that VR tech also strengthens the relationship between seniors and caregivers.
“They [seniors] might remember they did a trip along Route 66 years and years ago,” Chris Brickler, CEO of Mynd Immersive — formerly MyndVR — explained Wednesday. “Now picture a VR series where a caregiver can ‘drive’ the senior along that road. They can unlock a flood of old memories. It makes for happy seniors and a happy caregiver.” ...
An overwhelming majority, 95%, of senior living caregivers, said they felt using the VR was “moderately to extremely beneficial” for building a relationship with residents, according to the study results, which included 245 older adults and 39 caregivers across 16 different senior living communities.
While caregivers don’t always put on the glasses or headset, those who use Mynd Immersive’s tech are given a tablet, with which they can control a VR experience for residents or “just go along for the ride,” Brickler explained, noting that they can “see everything the senior sees.” ...
The research is a collaboration between Stanford, Mynd Immersive and AT&T 5G Healthcare. ...
See the full story here: https://www.mcknightsseniorliving.com/home/news/tech-daily-news/early-study-results-show-virtual-reality-can-bolster-caregiver-ltc-senior-relationship/