philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Here are 7 free AI classes you can take online from top tech firms, universities


Harvard University: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python

If you’re one of the 5.7 million people who has taken Harvard University’s CS50 Introduction to Computer Science course through edX, then the university’s introductory AI class might be the best option for you. CS50, which is one of the most popular free online courses of all time, is a prerequisite for Harvard’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python course.

This seven-week course covers AI algorithms, game-playing engines, handwriting recognition, and machine translation. Students have to commit between 10 and 30 hours per week to complete the course, which includes hands-on projects and lectures. The course is taught by David J. Malan, a renowned computer scientist and Harvard professor. ...

See the full story with all 7 classes described at

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