philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


China Is Now World’s Second Largest Film Market Behind the U.S.

It was just last year when China surpassed India and became the third largest film market in the world with $2B in annual box office revenue.

This year, it's moving pass Japan. After nine months in 2012, China has already made nearly $2B at the box office. It's expected to reach $2.5B by the end of the year and overtake Japan as the second largest film market in the world. That wasn't supposed to happen for another couple of years.

The third quarter figure for 2012 is a 27% improvement over 2011’s, which is impressive because the year-to-year growth is about the same as that of the previous year. It still has a ways to go to catch up to the U.S. though, which has done over $10B in each of the last three years.

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