philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Recording industry earns more from fan videos than from official music videos

good_looking_parentsjpg.jpg.size.xxlarge.letterboxAccording to the annual Digital Music Report released this week by IFPI, which represents some 1,300 record companies worldwide, Google-owned YouTube is now the most popular music service in the world. Moreover, the recording industry is generating more revenue via advertising and royalties from fan-made mashups, lip-syncs and tributes on the popular video site than from officially-released music videos.

Google’s site “tracks uploaded videos and alerts record companies when a YouTube user uploads content that uses a copyrighted song,” reports the Toronto Star. “Rather than order the video removed for copyright infringement, the record company can instead choose to run ads before and during the video, making money off the video’s views.”

See the full story here:

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