philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


British TV Producer Creating Virtual Reality Narratives for Sony and Oculus Rift

flying_a“VR will be a game-changer,” said Anthony Geffen, CEO and creative director of Atlantic Productions. “The point of entry [for consumers] is cheaper than a mobile phone, and content distribution will be global. VR is known for gaming, but what it needs is quality narrative content, and that’s where we come in.”

“Material for one Oculus Rift project was shot by Atlantic at the same time but separately to its forthcoming 3D Ultra HD documentary ‘Conquest of the Skies,’” notes Pennington. Both projects will feature Sir David Attenborough, who is no stranger to natural-history documentaries.

Atlantic is working on a variety of productions, including content created fully in CG and shooting with multiple GoPro cameras. The team is also getting ready to produce VR content in 4K. Each new step includes its own set of production and post-production challenges.

“There are a whole range of potential new shots that are not possible on conventional 16×9 TV screens,” said Geffen. “Do you focus on 360-degrees or on immersive 3D or on a huge 180 degree shot? All these are now feasible. We are at a stage of imaging history where the rules are being rewritten.”

See the full story here:

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