philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


A Preview of Oculus’ Newly Licensed Audio Tech Reveals Stunning 3D Sound

1003157675Audio is absolutely vital to the dramatic impact of almost all forms of entertainment.

Oculus made it clear last month at its inaugural developer event ,’Oculus Connect’, that audio is in their sights. Not only was the new Crescent Bay prototype revealed sporting top-quality integrated headphones, but also a high quality audio pipeline utilising RealSpace 3D Audio, a proprietary 3D audio mixing and processing technology developed by a company calledVisisonics.

Visisonics offers a wide array of solutions for capturing, mixing and processing 3D sound stages, including a neat ‘Audio Panoramic Camera’, an 8-inch sphere with 64 mics and 5 cameras embedded for capturing panoramic video with expansive sound to match.

The company has close ties to theUniversity of Maryland, an institution attended (and subsequently dropped out) by Oculus CEO, Brendan Iribe.

Visisonics are a spinout company from the school, currently holding exclusive licensing rights to technology developed on campus. They’ve focussed on the capture, mixing and processing of spatial audio, specialising in systems based around HRTF (head-related transfer function)

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