philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


‘Old age suit’ reveals what it’s like to be a PENSIONER: Futuristic exoskeleton mimics arthritis, hearing loss and blindness

2B4B578800000578-3194823-The_suit_shown_above_is_designed_to_allow_employees_and_family_m-a-13_1439374395760There cannot be many people who would wish to hasten the onset of the frailty and difficulty moving that comes with old age.

But robotics experts have developed an 'ageing suit' to replicate the wasted muscles, weak bones, poor eyesight and hearing loss that often accompanies getting older.

Using sensors, augmented reality and adjustable controls, the R70i Ageing device allows the wearer to experience the effects of arthritis, glaucoma, muscle loss and more.

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