If “Pirates of the Caribbean” is rated PG-13 just due to the sight of blood, then how do we even begin to rate the potential impact of feeling what it’s like be there if someone cuts off a pirate’s leg right in front of us?
DeepStreamVR is a VR startup that helps cope with pain by refocusing attention. Some Washington hospitals have found that they can dramatically reduce the pain that child burn victims experience when changing bandages by immersing them in a VR world of snow. In the snow world, the mind refocuses and the children report pain reductions comparable that of opiates. It’s incredible. Another example is FOVE, a company building a hardware system with eye-tracking software that translates a user’s eye movements to specific action. An inspirational example of FOVE’s ability to change lives can be seen on its website, where a university student with muscular dystrophy in Japan plays a piano in a live performance using his eyes in a VR headset by looking at the piano keys with eye-tracking software.
Read the full interview here: http://www.thevideoink.com/features/virtual-reality-the-rewards-the-risks-with-mike-rothenberg-of-river-accelerator/#.Vd9-hHhiBrg