philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Controlling Augmented Reality in the Operating Room: A Surgeon’s Perspective

leap-motionAseptic surgical technique is a concept that came about in the 19th century ...  The idea, which is now intuitive, is that during surgery the surgeon, patient, instruments, and drapes must all be sterilized and completely free of microorganisms to minimize the risk of infection.  ...once a surgeon is gowned and gloved, he/she cannot touch anything that is not also sterile.  If a surgeon does touch something unsterile, he/she is instantly “contaminated” and may need to change his/her gloves and potentially also the gown. 

There are various options available for controlling electronics in the OR including voice control, optical hand tracking, EMG-based gesture tracking, remotes/controllers, and foot pedals. I will briefly go over each technology and evaluate their relative advantages and disadvantages from a surgeon’s perspective.

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