philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


VR Bedtime Stories

a4vq2zwiwm79itcbizs2It’s designed to give parents the ability to read bedtime stories to their children within the boundaries of a virtual reality environment. In the accompanying promo video, the child wears a Google Cardboard headset and the parent wears Gear VR—the kid’s includes a playful character mask—and they can interact with each other even if they’re miles apart. (You can tour the app’s virtual world in a 360 degree video.)

 According to the Verge, the app is being given a trial run with families based in the UK, and Samsung’s website notes that it’s “currently being developed for full release.”

The shitty reality is that we need to do this in the first place, because for a lot of parents, it’s not feasible to sit next to little Susie every night and read her a bedtime story. The future may be bleak, but the gadget, in this case, is only trying to help.

Perhaps we’ll just have to wait for teleportation. Or, you know, a decent parental leave policy.

See the full story here:

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