philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Fading Acer Makes Virtual Reality Gambit to Turn Things Around

-1x-1-3Acer is looking to grab a slice of a headset market expected to yield $20 billion in revenue by 2020, and it’s enlisted some big names in the effort.

The company formed a venture with Swedish game developer Starbreeze AB to make the StarVR, a headset Chen says sports superior resolution and a wider 210-degree field of view. But with a price tag in the “four-digit range,” the gadgets are geared toward commercial buyers such as movie theaters, amusement parks and arcades. IMAX Corp., the Canadian company that popularized outsized movie screens, announced in May the StarVR will be installed in future virtual-reality theaters. The first headsets will grace an IMAX experience center envisioned for Los Angeles this year, Acer says.

Acer is in discussions with others but Chen for now is keeping mum on details.

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