philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


This Chinese Startup OnePlus Set Up a Virtual Reality Store in Space to Sell Its Flagship Smartphone

OnePlus-hed-a-2016For last month's launch of the OnePlus 3—the third flagship smartphone created by OnePlus—the China-based company created a virtual reality experience that brought viewers to a space station where they could learn about the latest features of the flagship phone. Around 60,000 people tuned in, and within the first hour, 10 percent of those who viewed the video bought a phone. Within six hours, the conversion rate had grown to nearly 30 percent. That might sound like a small sum in an era of YouTube videos that reach millions, but the initiative could provide a glimpse into the future of virtual shopping.

When users put the headset on, they see a rendering of the OnePlus office in China. But when they enter, they see a note that says the company has moved. Soon, they're taking an elevator that takes them up to the space station. There, there are four rooms, each featuring one characteristic of the phone. For example, one describes the phone's "dash charge" feature, which provides a day of power in a half hour. Another focuses on the camera, while another features the design.

OnePlus wouldn't say how many phones they've sold so far, but if it's going to compete with Apple and Samsung, it certainly has a long ways to go. According to a May report from Gartner, Samsung led the way in global market share in the first quarter with 23.2 percent, followed by Apple's 14.8 percent and Huawei with 8.3 percent.

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