philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


VR Companies Learn the Ropes in Broadcasting Live Sports

For live streaming, NextVR adds an additional camera on the sidelines parallel to the three-point line but, says NextVR executive chairman Brad Allen, they haven’t done that for the NBA, which has more restrictions on camera placement. “They’re very concerned about safety, as they should be,” he says. “Since cutting back and forth between camera angles can be jarring for VR viewers, editing of an image stream is typically minimal or nonexistent.”

Jaunt_One_VR_CameraAs a result, the typical VR production instead gives the viewer “a selection of angles to switch back and forth from on their mobile device or their VR headset.” The audio, very important in VR, “is typically captured by ambisonic microphones, both standalone and built into the camera rig, with four directional sound sensors.”

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