philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Is there going to be an Avatar of 3D games? [Sony’s Mick Hocking interview]

Q: It sounds like quite a lot to take in, like it's more than something you can dump in over an afternoon and then - bam - it's 3D.


MH: There's definitely knowledge that you need to acquire, but the good thing is that developers tend to be extremely good at learning new things and they can pick it up very, very quickly once we start training them.


In terms of the investment, it's actually a very low to put great 3D into your game. In the last twelve months we haven't seen a team go above 2% of their dev budget, and a lot of them are about half a percent.


It's important to get it right. It's a new creative medium - it's not just 'add depth' - and you have to implement it as a new creative medium and understand what you're doing. But doing that doesn't take that long.

Read the full interview here


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