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Luxottica, Intel Pair Up For Virtual Reality Eyewear

main_oo9333-01_radar-pace_polished-black-prizm-road_001_112532_png_heroIntel is pairing up with Italian eyewear company Luxottica to help launch new “smart” glasses with a voice-activated coaching system. The glasses — named “Radar Pace” — fall under Luxottica’s subsidiary sports brand, Oakley, which was acquired by Luxottica in 2007.

Radar Pace glasses are aimed at athletes and are said to create a personalized training program that will interpret running and cycling performance data in real time.

Radar Pace glasses are intended to be “hands-free” and able to respond conversationally to users’ questions through Intel Real Speech. The Bluetooth audio headset connects athletes for phone calls and texts, as well as listening to music.

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