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Internet of Stranger Things: ‘Black Mirror’ tackles horrors of augmented reality in new Netflix episode

9df098b1159f486d837fbac44b00f532Netflix is now in the business of Black Mirror, and one of its newest villains shares qualities with Pokémon Go. Earlier today, a new episode from the upcoming anthology series premiered at New York Comic Con,

The episode, Playtest, centers around an American tourist named Cooper — played by Wyatt Russell — who agrees to test out a new interactive augmented reality system from a gaming company. He does so in order to make money to return home, after his funds were stolen by a cyber thief. The system is a network of devices able to tap into Cooper’s brain, and by using a neural net, learn and adapt to his fears. This leads to the creation of “the most personal survival horror game in history,” according to one of the characters.

Within the first 5 minutes of Playtest, it becomes abundantly clear that Black Mirror as a Netflix original makes more changes beyond offering the ability to binge on show creator Charlie Brooker’s dystopia.

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