philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Stan Lee Introduces Augmented Reality For His Kids Universe

ar-app-stanlee-1200x675At 93 years-old, comics legend Stan Lee hasn’t slowed down. A few years ago, he started Stan Lee’s Kids Universe, which is aimed at targeting books and comics at young kids. And now he’s taking that universe to the next level by partnering with developers Playing Forward to launch a new interactive platform, The VROOM, which allows kids to see characters from the Kids Universe in Augmented and Virtual Reality.

The way it works is pretty simple. Kids will pick up a physical copy of the book and then view the book through the camera on their tablet for phone. The augmented reality app then shows a 3D animation of the activities of the character on the page. The first book for the app is Dex The T-Rex, which was written by Katya Bowser.

See the full story here:

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