philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Hands-On: Apex Construct Is Exciting Proof That Full VR-Only Games Are Nearly Here

Apex Construct takes one of VR’s more tried and true mechanics — firing a bow and arrow — and builds an entire game around it. This isn’t a shooting gallery in which you scale leaderboards, but instead a full world that you’re going to traverse over several diverse levels with an engaging story to uncover as you go. While it might not match the AAA production values of, say, a Battlefield game (a series which members of Fast Travel have worked on), there’s a tangible sense that you’re playing something by people who understand what makes a great single-player campaign.

Apex Construct’s world is infested with robotic creepy crawlies, initially resembling giant spiders but later morphing into other forms like exploding dogs. They pose a significant threat, firing energy blasts that will take you down in just a few hits, and you’ll need to master your archery skills in order to dispatch them as quickly as possible.

Combat, then, is one of Apex Construct’s defining features, and it feels refined, energetic and, most importantly, very cool.

When you’re not battling baddies, though, Apex Construct still has plenty to offer. Its world, for example, is a joy to explore in VR, with scenes that will make you stop and marvel.

Finally, as the icing on the cake, Apex Construct isn’t strictly a linear game. While levels do have a pre-defined path, you’ll find branching junctions that reward you with more experience and story hints.

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