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Everything you need to know about the upcoming Harry Potter mobile games

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is an upcoming mobile game from Jam City, the developers of Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff and Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow. The game will see you create a character, Sims style, who starts the game by receiving a Hogwarts letter and then attends the school, just like Harry. You’ll get to choose your own house, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, then receive “lessons” from teachers and interact with other students.

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is an upcoming augmented reality mobile game from the creators of Pokemon GO, Niantic, in collaboration with Warner Bros.

On the website, Niantic promise that Harry Potter: Wizards Unite will reveal the “magic all around us”. Like Pokemon GO, you will explore ‘real-world’ areas to discover mysterious artefacts, cast spells, and “encounter legendary beasts”. The game will also include familiar faces from the series, so you can really feel like a part of the Hogwarts legacy.

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