philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Exploring Virtual Reality in Dubai

Dubai-Mall-VR-Park-1140x855 vr-park-dubai-htc-viveMission 828 is an interactive HTC Vive experience delivered in specially designed pods, which also add multi-sensory elements like spatial audio and simulated wind. These pods sit at the highest level of the tower which is accessible to the public...

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to prevent an impeding cyber attack by – you guessed it – climbing up the very tip of the needle-like structure using suction cups and one of those nifty hook-gun thingies Batman always had in his utility belt. During that climb, you’re artfully warned that it might be best not to look down.

Once you do manage to get to the top, you’ll need to align a special device with the approaching satellite in order to disable it. Job done, but what goes up must also come down… Luckily, there’s a nifty parachute at hand, so all you need to do is step off the edge and base jump to the ground. The whole thing only takes a few minutes, but it felt like a very long time, and I was definitely in need of recovery by the time I “landed.”

Overall it’s a really well designed experience made by British company Inition, which was also behind the vertigo-inducing experience where you can virtually slide down the Shard in London launched last year.

Just around the corner from the Burj Khalifa is a brand new 75,000 square foot VR & AR entertainment center which opened earlier this month. ....

This new VR Park is housed in the Dubai mall, which currently holds the record for being not only the largest, but also the most visited mall in the planet. Over 51 million people a year roaming its 1200 stores, which are spread over an area roughly the size of 50 football fields. ...

Currently in construction in the Emirate, for example, are the world’s longest indoor ski slope, and the Ain Dubai, the soon-to-be largest Ferris wheel anywhere. Not to mention they’re building a mountain (you heard that right) from all the construction rubble, which they also hope, will serve to increase rainfall in the region.

...the city will be hosting EXPO 2020,...

See the full story here:

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