philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Otoy’s Octane 4 blends cinematic video and games using AI

Jules-Urbach-OTOY-Founder-CEO-2Octane is a graphics-processing-unit (GPU) accelerated renderer, which uses the graphics card in a computer to render photorealistic images super fast. It can create high quality images at speeds up to 50 times faster than central-processing-unit renderers. It now supports the Unreal and Unity game engines, and Otoy is bringing its Brigade game engine into Octane 4.

“Now, you can get cinematic realistic effects in real-time graphics,” said Jules Urbach, CEO of Otoy, in an interview with GamesBeat. “All of it happens at 60 frames per second.”

Otoy has been using artificial intelligence to eliminate a lot of the noise that pops up in the images, and the latest version of Octane uses AI to remove the noise and complete the image without slowing down the graphics at all, Urbach said.

Otoy is also making it possible for developers to get their imagery rendered in the cloud using Amazon graphics-focused data center computers, Urbach said.

Separately, Otoy is also moving forward with a plan to use blockchain and peer-based technology to create a crowdsourced rendering engine that could make hundreds of thousands or millions of GPUs available to render images for customers. Those GPU owners would be paid in cryptocurrency, dubbed Render Token. You can now use the Render Token to render real work as part of beta testing for the platform.

See the full story with an 11 minute video here:

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