philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Virtual Reality Headset History 2012 To 2018

img_2692-1200x768The below list is a drastic oversimplification of the path toward consumer availability of VR, and it was all arguably set in motion by the FOV2GO project at USC’s mixed reality lab. The project, outlined in the 2012 video below, offered simple instructions to build a cardboard holder for your phone that would produce a simple VR experience — an idea that would become integral to Google’s VR efforts a few years later.

Many of the researchers working at this USC lab would ultimately disperse to found companies like Oculus and Survios, and as VR gained momentum its leaders like Mark Bolas and Paul Debevecwent off to join the the efforts underway at Microsoft and Google. They were hired as part of a wave that saw experts in VR and AR around the world snatched up by the world’s biggest tech companies.

See the full story here:

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