philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Kim Nevelsteen wants to bridge different virtual worlds to create the Metaverse

ML_LEAP_CON_PT01.001Tens of Millions of people already play Minecraft. If I can just capture a small percentage of those people and let them inter-connect, perhaps a Minecraft Metaverse will exist. Getting a second world to inter-connect with the Minecraft Metaverse might still be a hurdle, but it should be easier thereafter. The aim would be that even worlds that are closed would want to open up at least partially, because either users request it, it generates traffic or that if they don’t, they become obsolete.

Instead of building a platform or new world, what I am offering is glue to inter-connect existing worlds. A question that is more relevant is if there will be worlds that actively avoid connecting e.g., perhaps Mineplex doesn’t like me linking to them and attempts to ban such a link.

If a Metaverse evolves into existence, should companies adopt it and can it be profitable? Apply this question to the Internet and the answer is clear. Even for Desktop, I can’t imagine it being confined to just 2D for many more years.

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