philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Sensorium demos AI-driven avatars as latest virtual beings

[PhilNote: video at link. Not very advanced - basic question and response. Sensorium develops AI-driven DJs.]

Sensorium Galaxy is an upcoming virtual world that will blend human and AI characters so that people can have unscripted conversations with virtual beings. And it’s showing off some of those AI characters now.

I had a conversation with one of the AI characters, Katherine. She’s an aspiring makeup artist studying in Amsterdam. She wasn’t real. But it was fun to pretend she was, as she was able to hold a conversation better than me. I was having trouble coming up with interesting questions to ask, as a weird kind of stage fright took over me as we talked.

...Los Angeles-based Sensorium is known for providing simulated virtual experiences of concert venues. The company creates photorealistic avatars, or virtual characters, that look like real people.

See the full story with video here:

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