philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


AI image-generator Midjourney blocks images of Biden and Trump as election looms

... Declaring that “this moderation stuff is kind of hard,” Holz didn’t outline exactly what policy changes were being made but described the clampdown as a temporary measure to make it harder for people to abuse the tool. The company didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday.

Attempts by AP journalists to test Midjourney’s new policy on Wednesday by asking it to make an image of “Trump and Biden shaking hands at the beach” led to a “Banned Prompt Detected” warning. A second attempt escalated the warning to: “You have triggered an abuse alert.”

The tiny company — which has just 11 employees, according to its website — has largely kept silent in the public debate over how generative AI tools could fuel election misinformation around the world. ...

“Anybody who’s scared about fake images in 2024 is going to have a hard 2028,” Holz said Wednesday. “It will be a very different world at that point. Like, obviously you’re still going to have humans running for president in 2028, but they won’t be purely human anymore.” ...

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