philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Rob Tercek interview prior to TEDxTransmedia

[Philip Lelyveld comment: Rob will be speaking at the next USC ETC Megasession.]

TXT:  You say we’re in the second century of electronic media and social media is waking us up from a 60-year trance. Can you explain what you mean by that? 

RT:    For more than six decades, we’ve outsourced our natural storytelling ability to professionals.  Hollywood screenwriters craft the scenario so brilliantly that we tend to give up our ability to speak for ourselves.  Very few people have the ability to tell good stories:   just one or two generations ago, that would have been unthinkable.   Today, most of us spend every evening in darkness at home, silently observing the work of the screenwriters.   In the past, before television, people shared stories and songs.   Today social media offers us an opportunity to reclaim our personal storytelling capacity.   Social media provides something that TV cannot.   Instant validation from friends.  This is a very powerful motivational force.

Read the full interview here:

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