philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Mark Suster on his big LA bet: The infrastructure has been built and we monetize better than anyone

la-from-blimp“If you buy the argument that media consumption patterns won’t change – [that people will continue watching] six hours of video [per day], maybe it goes down to five and a half, but it’s actually increasing – then you have to buy that there is something going on in LA that puts us for the first time in history in the pole position,” Suster says.

And it’s not just his portfolio company Maker Studios he says, pointing out that Fullscreen, Big Frame, ZEFR, Tastemade, Machinima, and others are all well positioned to make LA ground zero for the next generation of digital entertainment.

“It has never been possible to build this many companies outside of SV in the history of the tech industry, and that’s why I’m long LA,” Suster says.

 See the full story here:

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