philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Disney, A Mobile Company


I’ve become a bit obsessed lately with this idea of pieces of content that are atomic units unto themselves. The concept of an ‘article’ or a ‘website’ being the base unit of measurement for content strikes me as largely over.

There was this trend for a few years — especially with large companies — towards attempting to create ‘internal networks’ for users to share content between one another. Now, the opposite is true. Bits of content (one item in a listicle, a video with a bit of writer commentary attached, a block quote, a paragraph of context) are being broken out in packages that can be shared in already existing silos — driving traffic and attention backwards, but also existing as monetizable entities of their own.*

Iger said that the decision they made in 2005 to commit to mobile helped them to ‘ride that wave’ instead of being ‘swept over’ by it.

See the full story here:

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