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Facebook Users Can Now Use Reactions In Virtual Reality For 360-Degree Videos

https-blueprint-api-production-s3-amazonaws-com-uploads-card-image-124772-fbvr22222-jpgOculus announced on Wednesday the launch of Facebook Reactions for 360-degree videos on its platform for those who use a Samsung Gear VR headset to view posts on the social network.

The feature allows the Gear VR wearer to "like" or react to the video using Facebook's six emojis that include: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry.

Adding the ability to use Reactions when viewing Facebook 360-degrees provides a way for Gear VR users to comment to video posts since no typing is involved when in virtual reality.

To react to a post, the Gear VR viewer simply has to look at the Like button for a few seconds for the Reaction list to pop up, similarly to how web users hover with their mouse to enable this feature for the web.

See the full story here:

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